User Agreement |
User Agreement |
eFlex CourtReview User Agreement
In order to register for an account with eFlex, you must accept the terms of the user agreement as explained below. Failure to accept these terms will take you back to the login screen.
Consistent with the provisions of Administrative Order 21 you agree to the following.
- In order to access the CourtReview module of the electronic filing system, Judges, court staff and clerks must complete three steps:
- You will review and approve court filings as instructed during training and as documented in the training material.
- You consent to the replacement of a signature on filed documents by a login process with a user name and password followed by an approval process.
- You will accept electronic notices through eFlex as a valid and effective service for all electronically filed documents replacing the need for paper notification except for a complaint, petition, or other document that must be served with a summons, in addition to a summons or subpoena.
- You will accept electronic notices through eFlex as the official court notification of a document filed with the court.
- You will accept electronic notices through email as a courtesy notification of a document filed with the court, with the understanding the official electronic court notifications reside only in eFlex.
- You will properly maintain your user profile, including email and physical addresses, phone number, user name, and password.
- You will regularly monitor the eFlex queues, notifications, filing statuses, associated email accounts and attempted eFlex logins. The IP address for each attempted login will be documented for additional security.
- You will be responsible for notifying the Administrative Office of the Courts at 501-410-1900 or toll free at 1-866-823-5778 in the event you suspect fraudulent use of any account.
- You will submit, review, and approve documents in accordance with Administrative Order 19 and any other relevant court rules regarding confidential information.
- You will comply with the rules governing electronic filing Administrative Order 21 and any other relevant court rules.
- You may request electronic filing technical assistance weekdays 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. by calling the Administrative Office of the Courts Helpdesk at (501)410-1900 or toll-free 1-866-823-5778.
- You may request electronic filing technical assistance by e-mail at during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.
- By accessing this system you certify that you have a businnes need to access eFlex.
- You will not disclose to any unauthorized person any information in this system that is confidential under Administrative Order 19.
- Your use of this system will be only for legitimate court purposes.
- You understand that misuse of this system or the information that it contains may result in your termination of employment or subject you to criminal prosecution.
- This agreement shall remain in place as long as you are a registered user of the electronic filing system.