Electronic Filing Terms of Use
Consistent with the provisions of Administrative Order 21 you agree to the following:
- You must be an attorney in good standing licensed to practice law in the State of Arkansas or admitted on a case pro hac vice.
- You will complete all registration requirements prior to using the electronic filing system.
- You must attend a one-hour online training session. You may register for training at https://www.tybera.com/support/arkansas-support/. After attending training you will be eligible for one hour of general CLE credit. Please provide feedback after your training by following this link.
- You must pay a one-time registration fee of $100 to set up your account, payable to the "Bar of Arkansas" to the following address (your name, bar number, and e-mail address must be provided):
Electronic Filing Registration
Administrative Office of the Courts
625 Marshall Street
Justice Building, Suite 1100
Little Rock, AR 72201
- After completing training, you must request an account at https://efile.arcourts.gov/.
- You will submit court filings electronically on court cases for which you are an active party or attorney of record.
- You will submit court filings as instructed during training and as documented in the training material.
- You consent to the replacement of a signature on filed documents by a login process with a user name and password followed by an approval process.
- You will accept electronic notices through eFlex as a valid and effective service for all electronically filed documents replacing the need for paper notification except for a complaint, petition, or other document that must be served with a summons, in addition to a summons or subpoena.
- You will accept electronic notices through eFlex as the official court notification of a document filed with the court.
- You will accept electronic notices through email as a courtesy notification of a document filed with the court, with the understanding the official electronic court notifications reside only in eFlex.
- You agree that the email address provided in the account request and maintained in your eFlex user profile supersedes the court�s case management system for the purpose of electronic notification resulting in valid and effective service of filed documents.
- You will properly maintain your user profile, including email and physical addresses, phone number, user name, and password.
- You will regularly monitor the eFlex notifications, filing statuses, associated email accounts and attempted eFlex logins. The IP address for each attempted login will be documented for additional security.
- You will be responsible for notifying the Administrative Office of the Courts at 501-410-1900 or toll free at 1-866-823-5778 in the event you suspect fraudulent use of your account.
- You will submit documents in accordance with Administrative Order 19 and any other relevant court rules regarding confidential information.
- You will comply with the rules governing electronic filing Administrative Order 21 and any other relevant court rules.
- You may request electronic filing technical assistance weekdays 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. by calling the Administrative Office of the Courts Help Desk at (501)410-1900 or toll-free 1-866-823-5778.
- You may request electronic filing technical assistance by e-mail at courts.efiling@arcourts.gov during regular business hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday � Friday.
- This agreement shall remain in place as long as you are a registered user of the electronic filing system.